Ukraine - Case study
Link to platformPermalink
Why was Open SDG chosen?Permalink
It’s free, user-friendly, open-source, easy-to-set and maintain.
Which organisation was responsible for choosing and implementing the platform?Permalink
State Statistics Service of Ukraine in partnership with UNDP Ukraine.
How did you set up your country platform based on Open SDG?Permalink
Within a Joint UN Programme “Promoting Strategic Planning and Financing for Sustainable Development on National and Regional Level in Ukraine” funded by the Joint SDG Fund with support from the UK Office for National Statistics and Open Data Enterprise.
How long did it take to set up the platform?Permalink
4 months
How do you upload data and metadata into the platform?Permalink
How is the platform hosted? (GitHub, local server, other platform)Permalink
How are support and maintenance managed for the platform?Permalink
State Statistics Service of Ukraine administers the platform.
What languages is your platform available in?Permalink
English, Ukrainian.
What customisations were added to the Open SDG platform?Permalink
The Ukrainian language was added.
What advice and lessons learned could you give to other countries considering using Open SDG?Permalink
Using Open SDG is highly advisable to foster SDG statistics digitalization within the country for the sake of users, as well as for unifying approaches on SDG reporting across the countries.