Kyrgyzstan - Case study
Link to platformPermalink
Why was Open SDG chosen?Permalink
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic choose the Open SDG Platform because it is easy to manage, user friendly and flexible (due to separate front-end and back end).
Which organisation was responsible for choosing and implementing the platform?Permalink
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
How did you set up your country platform based on Open SDG?Permalink
There were a few steps to set up SDG platform for Kyrgyz Republic. First we prepared Excel tables with SDG data and metadata. The tables with data were converted to SDMX format and then to CSV format. The tables with metadata were converted to MD format. The CSV and MD files were uploaded to GitHub.
How long did it take to set up the platform?Permalink
Setting up the platform took around 2-3 weeks.
How do you upload data and metadata into the platform?Permalink
First, the metadata were prepared in Excel format and then converted to MD format. Prepared files were uploaded to our data repository on GitHub.
How is the platform hosted? (GitHub, local server, other platform)Permalink
Our staging environment is hosted on GitHub, and our production environment will be hosted on a local server.
How are support and maintenance managed for the platform?Permalink
For now, the Office for National Statistics (UK) is supporting and maintaining the platform.
What languages is your platform available in?Permalink
Today the platform is available in English and Russian (but still draft). We are planning to also have the platform available in Kyrgyz language and improving the Russian language.
What customisations were added to the Open SDG platform?Permalink
• The SDG targets were added to platform.</br> • We are planning to add national SDG indicators and reporting status by responsible ministries and agencies for producing the indicators.
What advice and lessons learned could you give to other countries considering using Open SDG?Permalink
It is a good open-source and flexible tool. Before you start work, your data and metadata should be prepared in advance.
As it requires time, it will be helpful to have IT specialist, who will work only with platform.