1 minute read

Update - 15 OctoberPermalink

Note that there have been hotfix releases since this was posted, so the latest version is actually 1.5.3. All of the information in the video and post below is still accurate.

Open SDG is an open-source reporting platform for managing and publishing statistics related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is freely available for any country or organization to reuse and can be hosted and maintained using free services.

This month, the Open SDG community launched version 1.5.0, which includes a variety of enhancements and features related to cookies and third-party services, indicator pages, and framework flexibility.

Notable updates include:

  • Cookie consent form
  • Google Analytics alternative embedding options
  • Removal of Google Webfonts and ShareThis
  • Option: hide toggle for single units of measurement
  • Option: hide toggle for single series
  • Left-aligned graph titles
  • Optional x-axis label (eg, “Year”)
  • More transparency on graph tooltips
  • Add “2030 Target” horizontal lines to graphs
  • Add “Series break” vertical lines to graphs
  • Placeholder indicators
  • Support for non-numeric goal IDs

You can view a summary of the updates on our platform updates page, and a more detailed list in our 1.5.0 release notes.

For technical help in upgrading to this version, see our upgrade instructions for 1.5.0.

There are 19 countries/cities/regions already using Open SDG, and 10 more implementations are under development. Do you want to join them? To set up your own platform, visit the Quick Start Guide. Find us on GitHub or email us at opensdg@googlegroups.com with any comments, feedback, and questions.
